Monday, I went to Olivia’s school and talked to the kids about the Chinese New Year.  I stayed and we made paper lanterns to celebrate.  One little diva told me we couldn’t be celebrating the Chinese New Year because it was Groundhog Day.  I explained that more than one thing could happen on the same day and today we were talking about the Chinese New Year on Groundhog day.  

A wee bit later, she and Olivia had a little pow-pow and it went  a little something like this:

Kid: My mommy says it’s Groundhog day NOT Chinese New Year.

Olivia: My mommy says more than one thing can happen on the same day so we can talk about both.

Kid: Huh-uh.  Because MY mommy is right.

Olivia: Well, MYmommy is smart.  We win.
